

TrollAid, a project set up by a UK-based immigrant assistance NGO called Calais Action, responds to anti-immigrant comments posted on its Twitter (now X) and Facebook pages with information about their organization, a link to a fundraising page, and an invitation for individuals to use the link to donate in the troll’s name. They also encourage others to use the same post when they see other anti-immigrant comments on their own social media feeds. They then track how much money has been made in a particular troll’s name, and, if the comment was made on their own pages, later return to let the troll know how much money they have individually - and inadvertently - raised. In an interview with the DSP, the founder of the project stated that the goal is “to raise money, but also to annoy the trolls and put them off posting - hopefully make them think about what they’re doing and change their opinion.”

This sardonic form of counterspeech is related to Hass Hilft, or Donate the Hate, in Germany.