Frequently Asked Questions

Who is affected?
How to respond
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Understanding Dangerous Speech

Why not use the familiar term ‘hate speech’ instead of dangerous speech?

What is dangerous speech?

What are some examples of dangerous speech?

How is dangerous speech different from hate speech?

Does dangerous speech include extremist or terrorist speech?

Does a message have to call for violence in order to constitute dangerous speech?

Who is affected by Dangerous Speech?

Which kinds of groups can be targets of dangerous speech?

Do dangerous speech ideas apply to an attack by an individual (a “lone wolf”) or only to violence committed by groups?

Do dangerous speech ideas apply to speech in the United States?

Can individuals be targets of dangerous speech?

How to respond to Dangerous Speech

Should dangerous speech be censored or banned?

Is there evidence that intervening where dangerous speech occurs is an effective way to thwart mass violence?

Is dangerous speech a crime?

How have the dangerous speech ideas been used?

Are there steps that can be effective against dangerous speech?

Can you cite cases of individual(s) whose dangerous speech led to genocide or other mass atrocities?

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How can I learn more about work being done in the field of dangerous speech?