
Our Workshops

Watching dangerous speech spread in so many parts of the world, many people want to understand how it works: how it instills or increases fear of other groups to normalize violence against them. With that knowledge, it’s possible to predict where violence and other harms may arise. And once you can recognize dangerous speech, it’s much less convincing. You can “inoculate” yourself and others against it. We describe how.

At the DSP we are also experts in counterspeech, by which we mean direct responses to hateful or dangerous speech meant to undermine it. Thousands of people counterspeak online regularly, some alone and some in groups, maintaining civility. Drawing on their long and wide experience, we teach how to counterspeak.

Workshop Topics


Understanding and identifying dangerous speech, with an overview of constructive responses


Learning about existing counterspeech efforts and hands-on design of counterspeech campaigns.

Request a workshop

Please submit the form below introducing yourself and describing how we can support your work. We are happy to structure our content around your interests as well as your timing requirements, from 1-2 hours to 2 days.

Please submit the form below introducing yourself and describing how we can support your work. We are happy to structure our content around your interests as well as your timing requirements, from 1-2 hours to 2 days.

Thank you for requesting a workshop! We will review your inquiry and get back to you as soon as possible.
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