
Collective Civic Moderation for Deliberation? Exploring the Links between Citizens’ Organized Engagement in Comment Sections and the Deliberative Quality of Online Discussions

High degrees of incivility and hostility in comment sections potentially threaten a deliberative and inclusive discussion atmosphere. News outlets are struggling with effectively moderating such discussions. This study investigates the novel approach of collective civic moderation (CCM) – a strategic and concerted moderation effort by groups of citizens that aims at improving the quality of online discussions. Using the example of the German action group #ichbinhier (#iamhere), whose members collectively engage in Facebook comment sections of news outlets, we analyze whether CCM comments live up to norms of deliberation and whether these comments stimulate deliberative discussions. Findings from a quantitative content analysis show that comments written by #ichbinhier members are more rational, reciprocal, and constructive, and less uncivil and impolite than comments written by nonmembers. Rational, constructive, and polite comments are associated with more deliberative comments in the subsequent discussions. Normative and practical implications of these findings are discussed.

A quantitative content analysis shows that comments written by #ichbinhier members are more rational, reciprocal, and constructive.

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